- 创建一个yii2的应用
- 在@app/Controllers目录新建一个TestController, 在控制器里新建一个actionIndex方法
class TestController extends Controller{ public function actionIndex() { }}
- 在actionIndex方法中写日志
...public function actionIndex() { //记录一个错误级别的日志 Yii::error('人艰不拆!'); }...
- 进入yii2应用的日志目录@runtime/logs, 看到生成了一个名为app.log的文件, 内容如下:
//日志产生时间 访问者ip地址 用户id SESSIONID 日志级别 日志类别 日志内容 1 2014-12-04 12:27:26 [][-][-][error][application] 人艰不拆! //trace记录 2 in /home/zhangjiulong/project/hulk_log/controllers/TestController.php:18
- 警告级别 WARNING
public function actionIndex() { //记录一个警告级别的日志(日志内容可以为任何数据类型) Yii::warning(['source'=>'关电总局','content'=>'不能看美剧了']); }
3 2014-12-04 14:23:32 [][-][-][warning][application] [ 4 'source' => '关电总局', 5 'content' => '不能看美剧了', 6 ] 7 in /home/zhangjiulong/project/hulk_log/controllers/TestController.php:18
- 提示级别 INFO
- 代码追踪级别 TRACE
trace级别的日志,只会在dev开发环境下才会触发, 所以Yii::trace方法中做了如下判断
... public static function trace($message, $category = 'application') { if (YII_DEBUG) { //只有开发环境(YII_DEBUG为true)才会触发 static::getLogger()->log($message, Logger::LEVEL_TRACE, $category); } } ...
##yii2-log支持不同的日志类别(如果你想将不同类型的日志写入不同文件的中) ###比如你想把与db相关的日志都写入到sql.log文件中
- 打开应用的配置文件@app/config/web.php, 在log组件的targets属性数组中添加一个"target"对象
...'components' => [ ... 'log' => [ 'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0, 'targets' => [ [ 'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget', 'levels' => ['error', 'warning','info','trace','profile'], 'logVars'=>[], //除了except对应的分类之外,其他的都写入到 'except'=>['yii\db\*','app\models\*'] ], //在原配置的基础上,增加以下配置(新增一个target) [ 'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget', 'levels' => ['error', 'warning','info','trace','profile'], 'logVars'=>[], //表示以yii\db\或者app\models\开头的分类都会写入这个文件 'categories'=>['yii\db\*','app\models\*'], //表示写入到文件sql.log中 'logFile'=>'@runtime/logs/sql.log', ], ], ], ... ],...
- 调用的时候,只需要加上第二个参数,填写对应的分类即可
public function actionIndex() { //日志的第二个参数就是分类category Yii::info('select * from table', 'yii\db\Query');}
- 进入@runtime/logs下,可以看到生成了一个sql.log的文件
└── logs ├── app.log └── sql.log//sql.log内容如下2014-12-05 18:58:51 [][-][-][info][yii\db\Query] select * from table 2 in /home/zhangjiulong/project/hulk_log/controllers/TestController.php:16
- 打开应用的配置文件@app/config/web.php, 在log组件的target的logFile属性,日志文件名带上时间后缀即可
...'components' => [ ... 'log' => [ 'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0, 'targets' => [ [ 'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget', 'levels' => ['error', 'warning','info','trace','profile'], 'logVars'=>[], //表示以yii\db\或者app\models\开头的分类都会写入这个文件 'categories'=>['yii\db\*','app\models\*'], //表示写入到文件sql.log.2014xxxx 'logFile'=>'@runtime/logs/sql.log.'.date('Ymd'), ], ], ], ... ],...
2.再次使用Yii::info('select * from table', 'yii\db\Query');
, 你会看到日志目录里
logs├── app.log├── sql.log└── sql.log.20141208
- 需要先按下面的格式创建一个log表,日志名称可自定义,默认为log
CREATE TABLE log ( id BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, level INTEGER, category VARCHAR(255), log_time INTEGER, prefix TEXT, message TEXT, INDEX idx_log_level (level), INDEX idx_log_category (category))
- 打开应用的配置文件@app/config/web.php, 在log组件的targets中新增一个target----DbTarget
...'components' => [ ... 'log' => [ 'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0, 'targets' => [ ... [ 'class' => 'yii\log\DbTarget', //DbTaget类表示将日志记录到数据库中 'levels' => ['error', 'warning','info'], 'logVars'=>[], 'logTable'=>'log',//logTable表示要记录日志的表名,默认为log ], ... ], ], ... ],...
- 此时当你再次使用
, 所以符合条件的target都会记录这条信息
+----+-------+-------------+------------+----------------------+-----------+| id | level | category | log_time | prefix | message |+----+-------+-------------+------------+----------------------+-----------+| 11 | 4 | application | 1418010724 | [][-][-] | 切克闹 | +----+-------+-------------+------------+----------------------+-----------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
2014-12-08 11:52:03 [][-][-][info][application] 切克闹180 in /home/zhangjiulong/project/hulk_log/controllers/TestController.php:16
,记录到syslog yii\log\SyslogTarget
,此处不再细述, 更重要的是,你可以自定义target类来记录日志
三类来完成,其中Logger在内存中记录日志信息,当日志信息数达到一定量或者是脚本结束时, Logger就把日志信息交给了Dispatcher, Dispatcher把日志根据不同的配置分发到不同的Target子类,最终Target的子类来完成对日志的具体处理:
代码yii\BaseYii#353://私有的静态属性$_logger用来储存Logger对象private static $_logger;//公有方法返回Logger的单例对象 public static function getLogger() { if (self::$_logger !== null) { return self::$_logger; } else { return self::$_logger = static::createObject('yii\log\Logger'); } }//调用info等写日志方法时,实际调用的是Logger的log方法,并传递了写入的信息$message,日志等级,日志分类$category public static function info($message, $category = 'application') { static::getLogger()->log($message, Logger::LEVEL_INFO, $category); }
代码yii\log\Logger#135 //将日志信息写入到$this->messages属性中 public function log($message, $level, $category = 'application') { $time = microtime(true); $traces = []; //如果在应用初始化时配置log组件的traceLevel大于0,则将debug_backtrace信息也记录到日志中 if ($this->traceLevel > 0) { $count = 0; $ts = debug_backtrace(); array_pop($ts); // remove the last trace since it would be the entry script, not very useful foreach ($ts as $trace) { if (isset($trace['file'], $trace['line']) && strpos($trace['file'], YII2_PATH) !== 0) { unset($trace['object'], $trace['args']); $traces[] = $trace; if (++$count >= $this->traceLevel) { break; } } } } //将信息保存到messages数组 $this->messages[] = [$message, $level, $category, $time, $traces]; //当保存的信息数量达到$this->flushInterval属性值时,执行flush方法清空日志,默认值为1000 if ($this->flushInterval > 0 && count($this->messages) >= $this->flushInterval) { $this->flush(); } } //清空日志信息,其实是调用yii\db\Dispatcher的dispatch方法,并传递信息数组$this->messages,和$final参数,$final为true表示脚本已执行结束,不管messages已经多少条都会写入 public function flush($final = false) { if ($this->dispatcher instanceof Dispatcher) { $this->dispatcher->dispatch($this->messages, $final); } $this->messages = []; }
3.yii\log\Dispatcher类的dispatch方法, 此类即应用的log组件
代码yii\log\Dispatcher#177 public $targets = []; //targets来自于应用的配置,参见代码@app/configs/web.php public function dispatch($messages, $final) { $targetErrors = []; //遍历所有的targets,如果target可用(enabled属性为true),执行target的collect方法(collect方法在父类yii\log\Target中实现) foreach ($this->targets as $target) { if ($target->enabled) { try { //调用yii\log\Target的collect方法 $target->collect($messages, $final); } catch (\Exception $e) { $target->enabled = false; $targetErrors[] = [ 'Unable to send log via ' . get_class($target) . ': ' . ErrorHandler::convertExceptionToString($e), Logger::LEVEL_WARNING, __METHOD__, microtime(true), [], ]; } } } if (!empty($targetErrors)) { $this->dispatch($targetErrors, true); } }
代码@app/configs/web.php...'components' => [ ... //此处配置yii\log\Dispatcher的属性 'log' => [ 'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0, //traceLevel大于0,则会记录debug_backtrace信息 //此处配置yii\log\Dispatcher的targets属性,每个子元素都是yii\log\Target的子类 'targets' => [ [ 'class' => 'yii\log\DbTarget', //DbTaget类表示将日志记录到数据库中 'levels' => ['error', 'warning','info'], 'logVars'=>[], 'logTable'=>'log',//logTable表示要记录日志的表名,默认为log ], ... ], ], ... ],...
代码yii\log\Target#100 //执行对$messages的收集 public function collect($messages, $final) { //对$messages进行过滤,过滤掉不属于当前调用的target的信息 $this->messages = array_merge($this->messages, $this->filterMessages($messages, $this->getLevels(), $this->categories, $this->except)); $count = count($this->messages); //当日志信息数量达到执行数量$this->exportInterval时执行,默认值为1000 if ($count > 0 && ($final || $this->exportInterval > 0 && $count >= $this->exportInterval)) { //记录$_GET,$_POST,$_SERVER等系统访问信息 if (($context = $this->getContextMessage()) !== '') { $this->messages[] = [$context, Logger::LEVEL_INFO, 'application', YII_BEGIN_TIME]; } // set exportInterval to 0 to avoid triggering export again while exporting $oldExportInterval = $this->exportInterval; $this->exportInterval = 0; //调用export方法,此方法最终实现对message的处理,参见代码yii\log\FileTarget $this->export(); $this->exportInterval = $oldExportInterval; $this->messages = []; } }
代码yii\log\FileTarget#97 //将messages写入到文件$this->logFile中 public function export() { //对messages进行格式化处理 $text = implode("\n", array_map([$this, 'formatMessage'], $this->messages)) . "\n"; if (($fp = @fopen($this->logFile, 'a')) === false) { throw new InvalidConfigException("Unable to append to log file: {$this->logFile}"); } @flock($fp, LOCK_EX); // clear stat cache to ensure getting the real current file size and not a cached one // this may result in rotating twice when cached file size is used on subsequent calls clearstatcache(); if (@filesize($this->logFile) > $this->maxFileSize * 1024) { $this->rotateFiles(); @flock($fp, LOCK_UN); @fclose($fp); //执行写入 @file_put_contents($this->logFile, $text, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } else { //执行写入 @fwrite($fp, $text); @flock($fp, LOCK_UN); @fclose($fp); } if ($this->fileMode !== null) { @chmod($this->logFile, $this->fileMode); } }